What makes
my camera click
About me

Ciao, I'm Marius, a photographer who grew up in a small town in Romania, surrounded by rugged mountains and rolling hills. As a child, I spent hours exploring the countryside, captivated by the beauty and wonder of the natural world.
At the age of 16, I received my first camera as a gift from my parents. It was a simple point-and-shoot film camera, but it opened up a whole new world of creativity and possibility for me. I spent every spare moment experimenting with different angles, lighting, and compositions, fascinated by the power of photography to capture a moment and freeze it in time.
After completing my education, I moved to Messina in 2010 and worked as a Graphic Designer for several years. Although I enjoyed the work, I never forgot my true passion for photography. In my free time, I would explore the city, seeking out hidden corners and unexpected vistas to capture with my camera.
One day, I had a revelation. I realized that photography was not just a hobby or a side gig - it was my calling. I took a leap of faith and began freelancing as a Photographer and Videomaker, determined to make a career out of my passion.
As I developed my skills and built my portfolio, I became known for my innovative approach and commitment to giving back to society. I joined the StartUp Messina association, where I became an active promoter and member in the organization of various educational and informative events such as Startup Weekend, TedXCapoPeloro, Digital Invasions, and more.
My interest in storytelling led me to follow courses at the Vaudeville Theater School between 2016 and 2018, where I learned how to use imagery to convey powerful messages and ideas. In September 2018, I moved to Rome to pursue my dream of creating a bridge between my passions and my work, using photography and graphics to tell stories that inspire and inform.
Today, I bring a deep respect for other cultures and a talent for capturing the essence of a moment to every project I work on. Whether I'm photographing an event, creating advertising campaigns, or capturing the beauty of the natural world, I strive to create imagery that is both beautiful and meaningful, telling stories that engage, inspire, and transport viewers to another world.